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more alive therapies
- For a Lighter, Brighter You -
Rebecca Jones
Appointments on-line
0402 009 978
A smile on the outside doesn't mean that everything is OK on the inside
Some people wear their hearts on their sleeves and you can see their pain and their struggles. Others put a smile on their face and hide...
The brain is hardwired to keep us safe
Sometimes, the simplest thing can trigger a negative reaction within the body. For some, it can cause the heart to start racing, palms...
True Change takes place on the level of the Unconscious Mind
New Years Resolutions. They are wonderful for getting clarity on the positive changes that we want to experience in our life going...
Change creates new beginnings
Stand firm to the hope inside of the life that you secretly imagine and wish for yourself. It is possible to be healthier, happier and...
Party = Alcohol? Fun = Drinking?
In our Aussie culture, drinking alcohol is synonymous with fun and celebrations but knowing when to stop and being able to stop is...
Grieving a loved one at Christmas Time
Grief makes places in your soul ache that you didn't know existed. There can be many moments throughout a year that remind you that a...
When Christmas Hurts
Christmas is a time for great cheer and happiness... well it's meant to... and nothing fills the heart more than time with loved ones....
When You're a Red Hot Mess
Alcohol decreases your inhibitions and 'care factor'. It gives you a false sense of confidence and that warm fuzzy feeling that every...
Dealing with heartache of a break-up at Christmas
You can plan your life but sometimes life has other plans for you. When Romantic Relationships end, your life can be thrown into...
Negative beliefs can be changed
Emotions always override logic. That is why will power alone, almost never yields long lasting results. It is the job of the mind to do...
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